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Cpanel Log Locations Print

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cPanel & WHM Log Locations
This document describes the location of all of the log files in cPanel & WHM and MySQL. The document also provides Examples of each log file.




This file contains the login attempts and general error messages for the following services:

    • FTP
    • The nameserver daemons
    • named or bind.
    • MyDNS


We deprecated the MyDNS and NSD nameservers in cPanel & WHM version 78 and plan to remove them a future release. We strongly recommend that you migrate to PowerDNS. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan.

  • PowerDNS
  • NSD
  • The SSH daemon (sshd).
  • The Courier mail server.


    We removed the Courier mail server in cPanel & WHM version 54. The Courier mail server only exists for cPanel & WHM version 11.52 and earlier.

  • The Dovecot® mail server.
/var/log/secure This file contains the login attempts for the SSH daemon (sshd).

cPanel & WHM Services

The following table lists the log files for cPanel & WHM:


Filepath Description 
/home/username/.cpanel/logs This directory contains records of errors within a user's task queue.

This file contains records of when a cPanel & WHM user accesses their account.

The system displays these records in a standardized text format, called the Common Log Format

/usr/local/cpanel/build/locale_database_log This file contains information about when a user edits a locale.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/api_tokens_log This file contains WHM's API tokens logs.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log This file contains WebDisk's error logs.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_session_log This file contains Web Disk's activity logs.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpgreylistd.log This file contains the Greylisting daemon's (cpgreylistd) activity logs.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd_errors.log This file contains the Brute Force Protection daemon's (cphulkd) error logs.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd.log This file contains the cphulkd daemon's activity logs.
This file contains the cPanel & WHM service manager daemon's (cpsrvd) activity logs.
This file contains dnsadmin request logs.
This file contains general cPanel & WHM errors (for example, a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive error).
This file contains the logs of connection requests to the cPanel account's server.
This file contains the server's license update logs and license errors.
This file contains the login attempts to the cpsrvd daemon.
This file contains the cPanel TaskQueue Processing daemon's (queueprocd) logs.
This file contains information about each time that Apache restarted on the server.
This file contains logs of a user's activities while they are logged into the cPanel account.
This file contains the cPanel account's database-related activities.
This file contains the bandwidth statistics for all of the server's cPanel accounts.
This file contains the Tailwatch Driver's (tailwatchd) logs.
This file contains a cPanel account's severe error logs.

This file contains PHP-FPM implementation errors. These errors include errors for the cpsrvd and cpdavd services.


This file does not include errors for customer sites.


This file contains scripts that run unusually slow for a user.


USER represents the cPanel account name.


This file contains the user's error logs.


USER represents the cPanel account name.

This file contains the cached bandwidth history for each cPanel account on your server.
This file contains records of cPanel account actions, such as creation and deletion.
This file contains the service status logs.
This file contains the cPanel & WHM installation logs.



The following table lists the log directories for cPanel & WHM

Directory Path Description
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup This directory contains the cPanel backup log files.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup_transporter This directory contains the cPanel Backup Transporter's log files.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache This directory contains the EasyApache build log files.
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/update_analysis This directory contains the update process's .tar files.

This directory contains each account's bandwidth usage logs.


In this directory, username represents your account's username.

/var/cpanel/logs This directory contains account transfer log files and other, miscellaneous log files.

This directory contains the system's update log files.


This directory contains the account's MySQL upgrade logs.

In cPanel & WHM version 78 and later, the log files use the mysql.YYYYMMDD-hhmmss naming convention with the following designators:

YYYY Four-digit year.
MM Two-digit month
DD Two-digit day.
hh Two-digit hour.
mm Two-digit minute.
ss Two-digit second.
/var/cpanel/horde/log This directory contains the log files for Horde.

This directory contains the log files for SquirrelMail.


We deprecated SquirrelMail and its functionality in cPanel & WHM version 76 and removed it in cPanel & WHM version 78.

/home/username/logs/roundcube This directory contains the log files for Roundcube Webmail with a SQLite backend.
/var/cpanel/roundcube/log This directory contains the log files for Roundcube Webmail with a MySQL backend.

This directory contains subdirectories for transfer and restore sessions.

Each transfer and restore session's subdirectory contains the session's log files in a line-delimited JSON format. Each log file contains the following information:



Filepath Description
/etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/ftpxferlog This file contains the FTP transfer logs for users on webservers that run EasyApache 4
/usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog This file contains the FTP transfer logs for users on webservers that run EasyApache 3.


Directory Path Description
/etc/apache2/logs/domlogs This directory contains the FTP transaction logs for domains which exist on webservers that run Easy Apache 4.
/usr/local/apache/domlogs This directory contains the FTP transaction logs for domains which exist on webservers that run Easy Apache 3.



Filepath Description
/var/log/exim_mainlog This file contains Exim's mail receipt and delivery logs for the cPanel account's domains.

This file contains a log of messages that the system rejected due to ACLs.

For more information, read our Exim Configuration Manager - Basic Editor documentation.

/var/log/exim_paniclog This file contains Exim's severe error logs.
/var/log/maillog This file contains IMAP and POP3 login attempts, transactions, fatal errors, and Apache SpamAssassin™ scores.


Directory Path Description

This directory contains a log of queued incoming email messages. For more information, read our Mail Queue Manager documentation.

The system separates these logs in to subdirectories that correspond to the number or letter with which the sender's name begins.

/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/logs This directory contains the account's Mailman logs.

Memory Usage

Filepath Description

This file contains information about the processes that consume the most CPU and memory.

  • YYYY represents a subdirectory that contains a process's logs by month.
  • MMM represents a subdirectory within the YYYY directory that contains a process's logs for each day of a month.
  • DD represents a subdirectory that contains a process's log for a specific day of the month.


To interpret the data, use the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/dcpumonview file.


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