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Installation & Configuration of LiteMage Magento 1 & 2 Print

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How To Install & Configure LiteMage

This article describes how to install and configure LiteMage, the caching solution for Magento on Turbo servers. Follow the procedures in the section below for your version of Magento

Magento 2

First you must install LiteMage, and then activate it in the Magento administration panel.

Installing LiteMage

To install LiteMage on Magento 2, follow these steps:

  • Access your account using SSH.

  • Change to the directory where Magento is installed. For example, type cd ~/public_html/magento.

  • At the command prompt, to set Magento to developer mode, type the following command:

  • To download the LiteMage plugin files, type the following command:

  • To extract the files in the .zip file, type the following command:

  • To create a directory for the LiteMage plugin files, type the following command:

You must create this directory path relative to the Magento 2 root directory. Otherwise, Magento cannot detect that the plugin is installed.

  • To move the unpacked LiteMage plugin files to the new directory, type the following command:

After you move the files, make sure that they have the same ownership as all of the other Magento files. If they do not, use the chown command to set the correct ownership. For example, you can type chown -R username:username * , where username represents your account username.

  • To enable the LiteMage plugin, type the following command:

  • To make the plugin settings available to the Magento Admin panel, type the following command:

  • To recompile Magento, type one of the following commands:

  • If you are running Magento version 2.0.6 or later and have only one Magento store, type the following command:

  • Alternatively, if you are running Magento version 2.0.5 or earlier or have multiple Magento stores, type the following command:

  • To set Magento back to production mode, type the following command:

If you receive an error message running this command, repeat above steps, and then try again.

  • Using the cPanel File Manager or the SSH command prompt, open the .htaccess file in the Magento root directory in your preferred text editor, and then:

  • Copy the following text and paste it at the top of the .htaccess file:

<IfModule Litespeed>

    LiteMage on


  • Save your changes to the .htaccess file.

Activating LiteMage

To activate LiteMage on Magento 2, follow these steps:

  • Log in to Magento as the administrator.

  • In the left sidebar, click STORES, and then click CONFIGURATION.

  • Click ADVANCED, and then click SYSTEM.


  • In the Caching Application list box, confirm that LiteMage Cache within LiteSpeed Server is selected. If LiteMage Cache within LiteSpeed Server is not selected, select it in the Caching Application list box, and then click Save Config.

  • In the left sidebar, click SYSTEM, and then click Cache Management.

  • Select the Configuration and Page Cache check boxes.

  • In the list box above the table, select Refresh, and then click Submit.

To verify that the LiteMage installation is working correctly, follow the Verifying LiteMage procedure below.

Magento 1

First you must download and install LiteMage, and then activate it in the Magento administration panel.

Downloading and installing LiteMage

To download and install LiteMage on Magento 1, follow these steps:

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